Jennifer Traband, left, and Emme Scheible give an oath that their
information is accurate as gay couples are issued marriage licenses at
the King County Administration Building on Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Hundreds of couples lined up in downtown Seattle Wednesday night
for the state's first batch of same-sex marriage licenses, in a
historic, jubilant event that began at 12:01 a.m. Thursday and was
expected to last for hours.
Jennifer Traband, left, and Emme Scheible give an oath that their
information is accurate as gay couples are issued marriage licenses at
the King County Administration Building on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.
Jennifer Traband, left, and Emme Scheible give an oath that their...
Jane Abbott Lightly and her partner Pete-e Petersen, right, celebrate
as King County Executive Dow Constantine signs their marriage license
at the King County Administration Building on Wednesday, December 5,
Jane Abbott Lightly and her partner Pete-e Petersen, right,...
Kelly Middleton, 24, and her partner Amanda Dollente, 29, embrace
after they received their marriage license at the King County
Administration Building on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.
Kelly Middleton, 24, and her partner Amanda Dollente, 29, embrace...
Justin Goodman, left, fills out marriage paperwork with his partner
Jake Bartholomy at the King County Administration Building on Wednesday,
December 5, 2012.
Justin Goodman, left, fills out marriage paperwork with his partner...
Couples wait in line for their marriage licenses at the King County Administration Building on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.
Couples wait in line for their marriage licenses at the King County...

They formed an eager, festive crowd, with couples young and old
braving a night-time chill and wee-hours wait for the chance to make
history at the normally dull King County Administration building.
Supporters cheered for them with roses, coffee, hand-warmers and
serenades of "Going to the Chapel."
The licensing marathon was expected to last more than 18 hours.
"Marriage should be a happy time, and it's a happy night," said State
Sen. Ed Murray, D-Wash., who was among the crowd with his partner
Michael Shiosaki. Murray was the chief sponsor of the marriage equality
legislation passed by the Legislature last February.
Exactly one month has passed since Washington voted -- and King
County voted overwhelmingly -- in favor of same-sex marriage through
Referendum 74.
Jane Abbott Lighty and Pete-e Petersen, a West Seattle couple of 35
years, were the first couple to get a license, after waiting decades to
get marrired. As the clock struck midnight, a crowd led by King County
Executive Dow Constantine clapped and cheered, and Lighty, 77, and
Petersen, 85, raised their hands to take an oath.
"People who have been waiting all these years to have their rights
recognized should not have to wait one minute longer," said Constantine,
who stayed up into the wee hours to issue the county's first marriage
"To have our 35-year loving relationship publicly honored and
celebrated and have this be a legal marriage means everything to both of
us," said Lighty, a former nurse. She and Petersen, a former Korean War
flight nurse, will be wed at a Seattle Men's Chorus concert at Benaroya
Hall this weekend.
The LGBT community had picked them for first-couple honors.
Dan Savage and his partner were also among the first couples to pick up a marriage license.
"It's really a remarkable journey we've been on and such a remarkable
sea change," he said. "And not just for gay people, but straight
people have changed, too. It's gotten better for us because straight
people have gotten better about us."
King County issued 1,889 marriage licenses to heterosexual couples
during July. It expects to equal that number in the first three days of
"The marriages will be the real fun," said George Bakan,
editor-in-chief of Seattle Gay News. On the other side of James Street,
City Hall will play host to 142 marriage ceremonies on Sunday, the
first day that same-sex couples can get hitched.
How marriage equality happened
The festivities this weekend are a long time in coming. Just a year
ago, marriage equality advocates started meeting around the state --
often in Protestant churches -- to plan how to convey their message to
the Legislature. The key tactic turned out to be the telling of
personal stories.
Amanda Beane and Anne Bryson-Beane, who have seven adopted kids, also
picked up a marriage license, after being together for 15 years. They
will be married at their home parish, Faith Luthern Church, on Jan. 26,
"Each of our adopted children understands that you can call someone
family all you want, but until the court says it's forever, you are not
seen as a 'real' family: When I marry my wife, for the first time our
family will be seen by everyone for what we are -- a forever family,"
said Anne Bryson-Beane.
The United States has, in less than a decade, experienced a sea change in public attitude toward marriage equality.
In a 2004 get-out-the-vote tactic masterminded by (twice-divorced)
Republican strategist Karl Rove, 11 states votes for statewide measures
defining "marriage" as exclusively between a man and a woman.
Marriage equality was 0-for-32 at the polls, until last month.
Washington, Maryland and Maine voted to become the seventh, eighth and
ninth states to legalize marriage between same sex partners. Minnesota
rejected a state constitutional amendment carrying the man-woman
A Quinnipiac University poll, published Wednesday, showed a narrow
plurality of Americans now endorsing marriage between couples of the
same sex.
Dan Hinkley, an internationally renowned plant expert, remembered from his Indianola home how things used to be.
"I reflected last night on a conversation I had a decade ago at a
small dinner party of young, techno-uber-rich and educated guests in New
York," he said. "During an appropriate synapse of thought, I
interjected an indignation of the inability of gay people to marry. I
will never forget the silence that followed.
"I now wonder if those 'enlightened' people we were with that night
remember that silence as well. It was very quiet. The thing about that
silence is that it helped me fully comprehend what force we were
against, and mostly what enormous changes people in my parents'
generation -- my dad, 92, is going strong, my mom just passed away at 90
-- were facing, and have faced."
'An opportunity to validate'
Same-sex couples in Washington have been united in commitment
ceremonies long before tonight's arrival of formal marriage. "Taking
pictures is something I've been doing for years," joked Dani Weiss, one
of seven photographers donating time at Sunday's City Hall festivities.
As to the coming of marriage, added Weiss, "It's an opportunity to validate."
The couples lining up at the King County Administration Building will
be married according to their lives, professions and surroundings.
Gabe Verdugo and Adam Forcier, together eight years, will be married
Sunday in the chambers of Washington State Supreme Court Justice Steve
Gonzalez. Verdugo is a clerk for the justice.
King County Superior Court Judge Mary Yu will marry Brendon Taga and
Jesse Page of Vashon Island at 12:20 a.m. Sunday, 20 minutes after it
becomes legal to perform the ceremony. "When Jesse and I have children
in the near future, we want to be able to share our family's history in
certain, unequivocal terms," said Taga.
Teri Bednarski and Saracristina Garcia, from Tacoma, volunteers from
the Referendum 71 and 74 campaigns, plan to get married at Lake
Quinault. Neil Hoyt and Donald Glenn Jenny, together 24 years and
active with the Seattle Men's Chorus, will be married at the Sunday
night concert.
Others are holding off.
Sen. Murray and his partner Shiosaki will set a date later this
summer, close to the anniversary of when the couple met on a hike up to
the Carbon Glacier on Mount Rainier. "I was younger then," joked
"Different people are going to do this different ways."